Basic overview¶
The Hoyodecrimen REST API allows you to query crime data about Mexico City. You can even do fancy things like get the top 9 cuadrantes where homicide counts changed the most.
Since the API is based on REST principles and returns JSON data, it’s very easy to write applications that use it. You can use your browser to access any API URL, or pretty much any HTTP client in any programming language (yes, even something like STATA).
For example, will return a list of all crimes in the database. will return a list of all the cuadrantes in the Federal District. Once you have a list of crimes and cuadrantes you can use to get a time series of the homicide rate in cuadrante C-1.1.1 (the API is case insensitive). Note that homicidio%20doloso can be changed to all to get all the crimes that occurred in that cuadrante.
This is beta software and paths may break (but not much). If you notice an error, have any comments, or stuff you’d like added to the API raise an issue on GitHub or email me at diego [at] All crime data comes from the Mexico City open data portal
Data accessed via this API is provided under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. If you use this data you must link back to as the origin of the data. You may also consult our privacy policy.
What’s available¶
Service | Action | URI |
Point in Polygon | Given a longitude and latitude return the corresponding cuadrante and sector | /api/v1/cuadrantes/pip/(string: long)/(string: lat)
/api/v1/cuadrantes/crimes/(string: crime)/pip/(string: long)/(string: lat)
/api/v1/cuadrantes/crimes/(string: crime)/pip_extra/(string: long)/(string: lat)
Latitude and Longitude | Return the latitude and longitude of crimes | /api/v1/latlong/crimes/(string: crime)/coords/(string: long)/(string: lat)/distance/(integer: distance)
Time Series | Crime counts ordered by month of occurrence for a cuadrante or sector | /api/v1/sectores/(string: sector)/crimes/(string: crime)/series
/api/v1/cuadrantes/(string: cuadrante)/crimes/(string: crime)/series
List Cuadrantes or Sectores | Sum of crimes that occurred in a cuadrante or sector for a specified period of time | /api/v1/cuadrantes/(string: cuadrante)/crimes/(string: crime)/period
/api/v1/sectores/(string: sector)/crimes/(string: crime)/period
/api/v1/cuadrantes/(string: cuadrante)/crimes/(string: crime)/period/change
Top Most Violent | A list of the cuadrantes and sectors with the highest rates (sectores), crime counts (cuadrantes) or change in crime counts (cuadrantes) | /api/v1/sectores/crimes/(string: crime)/top/rates
/api/v1/cuadrantes/crimes/(string: crime)/top/counts
/api/v1/cuadrantes/crimes/(string: crime)/top/counts/change
DF data | A time series of the sum of all crimes that occurred in the Federal District | /api/v1/df/crimes/(string: crime)/series
Enumerate | Get a list of the names of all cuadrantes, sectores, crimes or municipios | /api/v1/cuadrantes
GeoJSON | Return maps as GeoJSON | /api/v1/cuadrantes/geojson
Day and Hour | Return number of crimes by day and hour | /api/v1//df/crimes/(string:crime)/hours
Getting Started¶
All endpoints are GET requests that send back an object filled will the relevant data. You really want to use JSONP to access the API. Here is a basic example of how to handle JSONP requests using jQuery.
dataType: 'jsonp',
url: '',
success: function(data) {
// console.debug(data)
Handling Errors¶
If there is a validation error with the request, or the cuadrante or crime queried does not exist, an error object will be passed back which contains a short description of what went wrong.
Example Error Response:
dataType: 'jsonp',
// notice the invalid start_date
url: '',
success: function(data) {
// console.debug(data)
error: function(xhr, error) {
// console.debug(xhr.responseText); // error description
// console.debug(xhr.status); //should be 400
API Reference¶
¶ Returns a map of the cuadrantes delictivos encoded as geojson
Status Codes: - 200 OK – return a geojson map
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/cuadrantes/geojson HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
¶ Returns a map of the municipios that make up the Federal District encoded as geojson
Status Codes: - 200 OK – return a geojson map
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/municipios/geojson HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
¶ Returns a map of the sectores delictivos encoded as geojson
Status Codes: - 200 OK – return a geojson map
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/sectores/geojson HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
¶ Enumerate all the cuadrantes and the sectors and municipios they belong to
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when all the cuadrantes were found
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/cuadrantes HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "cuadrante": "P-1.1.1", "cve_mun": "09010", "municipio": "ALVARO OBREGON", "sector": "ALPES" }, ...
¶ Enumerate all municipios in the Federal District
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when all the municipios were found
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/municipios HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "cuadrante": "P-1.1.1", "cve_mun": "09010", "municipio": "ALVARO OBREGON", "sector": "ALPES" }, ...
¶ Enumerate all the sectores in the database
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when all the sectores were found
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/sectores HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "cve_mun": "09010", "municipio": "ALVARO OBREGON", "sector": "ALPES" }, ...
¶ Enumerate all the crimes in the database
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when all the crimes were found
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/crimes HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO" }, { "crime": "ROBO A NEGOCIO C.V." }, { "crime": "ROBO DE VEHICULO AUTOMOTOR C.V." } ...
(string: crime)/coords/
(string: long)/
(string: lat)/distance/
(int: distance)¶ Given a latitude and longitude return all crimes within a certain distance
Returns a list containg the cuadrante polygon as GeoJSON, all the crimes that occurred in the cuadrante by date, the sum of crime counts that occurred in the whole DF during the last 12 months, and the sum of crimes in the cuadrante containing the longitude and latitude during the last 12 months
Parameters: - long – long
- lat – lat
- crime – the name of a crime or the keyword
Query Parameters: - start_date – Start of the period from which to start aggregating in
format (e.g. 2016-01) - end_date – End of the period to analyze in
format (e.g. 2016-06). Must be greater or equal to start_date
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the cuadrante corresponding to the latitude and longitude is found
- 400 Bad Request – when the latitude or longitude where incorrectly specified
- 404 Not Found – when the latitude or longitude are outside of the Federal District cuadrante area or the crime requested doesn’t exist
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/latlong/crimes/all/coords/-99.13333/19.43/distance/500 HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "cuadrante": [ { "count": 0, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "cuadrante": "C-1.4.4", "month": 1, "population": 1405, "sector": "CORREDOR - CENTRO",l "year": 2013 }, ... "cuadrante_period": [ { "count": 0, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "population": 16860 }, ... "df_period": [ { "count": 823, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "population": 8785874 }, ... "latlong": [ { "crime": "VIOLACION", "date": "2016-08-15", "hour": "12:00", "lat": 19.428935, "long": -99.136566 }, ... "pip": [ { "cuadrante": "C-1.4.4", "geomery": "{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-99.129543,19.436234],[-99.12966,19.435347],[-99.129766,19.43449],[-99.12994,19.433287],[-99.130025,19.432576],[-99.130206,19.431322],[-99.130576,19.428702],[-99.132613,19.428972],[-99.136883,19.429561],[-99.136343,19.433343],[-99.136008,19.435295],[-99.135754,19.437014],[-99.13479,19.436886],[-99.133691,19.436745],[-99.131628,19.436484],[-99.129543,19.436234]]]]}", "sector": "CORREDOR - CENTRO" }
(string: crime)/pip_extra/
(string: long)/
(string: lat)¶ Given a latitude and longitude determine the cuadrante they correspond to. Include extra crime info
Returns a list containg the cuadrante polygon as GeoJSON, all the crimes that occurred in the cuadrante by date, the sum of crime counts that occurred in the whole DF during the last 12 months, and the sum of crimes in the cuadrante containing the longitude and latitude and the nearest 8 cuadrantes during the last 12 months
Parameters: - long – long
- lat – lat
- crime – the name of a crime or the keyword
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the cuadrante corresponding to the latitude and longitude is found
- 400 Bad Request – when the latitude or longitude where incorrectly specified
- 404 Not Found – when the latitude or longitude are outside of the Federal District cuadrante area or the crime requested doesn’t exist
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/cuadrantes/crimes/all/pip_extra/-99.13333/19.43 HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "cuadrante": [ { "count": 0, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "cuadrante": "C-1.4.4", "month": 1, "population": 1405, "sector": "CORREDOR - CENTRO",l "year": 2013 }, ... "cuadrante_period": [ { "count": 0, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "population": 16860 }, ... "df_period": [ { "count": 823, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "population": 8785874 }, ... "latlong": [ { "crime": "VIOLACION", "date": "2016-08-15", "hour": "12:00", "lat": 19.428935, "long": -99.136566 }, ... "pip": [ { "cuadrante": "C-1.4.4", "geomery": "{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-99.129543,19.436234],[-99.12966,19.435347],[-99.129766,19.43449],[-99.12994,19.433287],[-99.130025,19.432576],[-99.130206,19.431322],[-99.130576,19.428702],[-99.132613,19.428972],[-99.136883,19.429561],[-99.136343,19.433343],[-99.136008,19.435295],[-99.135754,19.437014],[-99.13479,19.436886],[-99.133691,19.436745],[-99.131628,19.436484],[-99.129543,19.436234]]]]}", "sector": "CORREDOR - CENTRO" }
(string: crime)/top/counts/change
¶ Return the top ranked cuadrantes where crime counts increased the most.
When no date parameters are specified the top 5 cuadrantes are returned for the last 3 months compared with the same period during the previous year (e.g. July-May 2018 compared with July-May 2017). All population data returned by this call is in persons/year and comes from the 2010 census
Parameters: - crime – the name of a crime or the keyword
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the top 5 cuadrantes are found
- 400 Bad Request – when the one of the dates was incorrectly specified or the periods overlap
- 404 Not Found – when the crime is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_period1 – Start of the period from which to start counting. Together with end_period1 this will specify the first period. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - end_period1 – End of the first period. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - start_period2 – Start of the period from which to start counting. Together with end_period2 this will specify the second period. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - end_period2 – End of the second period. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - rank – Return the top X ranked cuadrantes.
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/cuadrantes/crimes/homicidio%20doloso/top/counts/change HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "cuadrante": "O-2.2.9", "difference": 5, "end_period1": "2013-07", "end_period2": "2014-07", "period1_count": 0, "period2_count": 5, "population": 43116, "rank": 1, "sector": "QUETZAL", "start_period1": "2013-05", "start_period2": "2014-05" }, ...
- crime – the name of a crime or the keyword
(string: crime)/pip/
(string: long)/
(string: lat)¶ Given a latitude and longitude determine the cuadrante they correspond to. Include extra crime info
Returns a list containg the cuadrante polygon as GeoJSON, all the crimes that occurred in the cuadrante by date, the sum of crime counts that occurred in the whole DF during the last 12 months, and the sum of crimes in the cuadrante containing the longitude and latitude during the last 12 months
Parameters: - long – long
- lat – lat
- crime – the name of a crime or the keyword
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the cuadrante corresponding to the latitude and longitude is found
- 400 Bad Request – when the latitude or longitude where incorrectly specified
- 404 Not Found – when the latitude or longitude are outside of the Federal District cuadrante area or the crime requested doesn’t exist
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/cuadrantes/crimes/all/pip/-99.13333/19.43 HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "cuadrante": [ { "count": 0, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "cuadrante": "C-1.4.4", "month": 1, "population": 1405, "sector": "CORREDOR - CENTRO",l "year": 2013 }, ... "cuadrante_period": [ { "count": 0, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "population": 16860 }, ... "df_period": [ { "count": 823, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "population": 8785874 }, ... "pip": [ { "cuadrante": "C-1.4.4", "geomery": "{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-99.129543,19.436234],[-99.12966,19.435347],[-99.129766,19.43449],[-99.12994,19.433287],[-99.130025,19.432576],[-99.130206,19.431322],[-99.130576,19.428702],[-99.132613,19.428972],[-99.136883,19.429561],[-99.136343,19.433343],[-99.136008,19.435295],[-99.135754,19.437014],[-99.13479,19.436886],[-99.133691,19.436745],[-99.131628,19.436484],[-99.129543,19.436234]]]]}", "sector": "CORREDOR - CENTRO" }
(string: cuadrante)/crimes/
(string: crime)/period/change
¶ Return the change in crime counts for a specified period of time at the cuadrante level
By default it returns the change during the last 12 months
Parameters: - crime – the name of crime or the keyword
to return all crimes - cuadrante – the name of the cuadrante or the keyword
to return all cuadrantes
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the change in crime counts is found
- 404 Not Found – when the crime is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_period1 – Start of the period from which to start counting. Together with end_period1 this will specify the first period. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - end_period1 – End of the first period. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - start_period2 – Start of the period from which to start counting. Together with end_period2 this will specify the second period. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - end_period2 – End of the second period. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01)
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/cuadrantes/all/crimes/all/period/change HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "cuadrante": "O-2.2.9", "difference": 5, "end_period1": "2013-07", "end_period2": "2014-07", "period1_count": 0, "period2_count": 5, "population": 43116, "sector": "QUETZAL", "start_period1": "2013-05", "start_period2": "2014-05" }, ...
- crime – the name of crime or the keyword
(string: sector)/crimes/
(string: crime)/period/change
¶ Return the change in crime counts for a specified period of time at the sector level
By default it returns the change during the last 12 months
Parameters: - crime – the name of crime or the keyword
to return all crimes - sector – the name of the sector or the keyword
to return all sectores
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the change in crime counts is found
- 404 Not Found – when the crime is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_period1 – Start of the period from which to start counting. Together with end_period1 this will specify the first period. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - end_period1 – End of the first period. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - start_period2 – Start of the period from which to start counting. Together with end_period2 this will specify the second period. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - end_period2 – End of the second period. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01)
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/sectores/all/crimes/all/period/change HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "difference": 5, "end_period1": "2013-07", "end_period2": "2014-07", "period1_count": 0, "period2_count": 5, "population": 43116, "sector": "QUETZAL", "start_period1": "2013-05", "start_period2": "2014-05" }, ...
- crime – the name of crime or the keyword
(string: crime)/top/counts
¶ Return the top ranked cuadrantes with the highest crime counts for a given period of time.
When no dates parameters are specified the top 5 cuadrantes for the last 12 months are returned (e.g. If July is the last date in the database, then the period July 2018 to Aug 2017 will be analyzed). All population data returned by this call is in persons/year and comes from the 2010 census
Parameters: - crime – the name of a crime or the keyword
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the top 5 cuadrantes are found
- 400 Bad Request – when the one of the dates was incorrectly specified or the periods overlap
- 404 Not Found – when the crime is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_date – Start of the period from which to start counting. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - end_date – End of the period to analyze. Must be greater or equal to start_date. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - rank – Return all cuadrantes ranked higher. Defaults to 5
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/cuadrantes/crimes/homicidio%20doloso/top/counts HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "count": 12, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "cuadrante": "N-2.2.1", "end_date": "2014-07", "population": 1833, "rank": 1, "sector": "CUCHILLA", "start_date": "2013-08" }, ...
- crime – the name of a crime or the keyword
(string: cuadrante)/crimes/
(string: crime)/series
¶ Return the count of crimes that occurred in a cuadrante, by date
Parameters: - crime – the name of crime or the keyword
to return all crimes - cuadrante – the name of the cuadrante from which to return the time series or the keyword ``all to return all cuadrantes
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the sum of all crimes is found
- 404 Not Found – when the crime or cuadrante is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_date – Start of the period from which to start the series.
format (e.g. 2016-01) - end_date – End of the period to analyze in
format (e.g. 2016-06). Must be greater or equal to start_date
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/cuadrantes/c-1.1.1/crimes/violacion/series HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "count": 0, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "cuadrante": "C-1.1.1", "month": 1, "population": 1594, "sector": "ANGEL - ZONA ROSA", "year": 2013 }, ...
- crime – the name of crime or the keyword
(string: municipio)/crimes/
(string: crime)/series
¶ Return the count of crimes that occurred in a municipio, by date
Parameters: - crime – the name of crime or the keyword
to return all crimes - cuadrante – the name of the municipio from which to return the time series or the keyword ``all to return all municipios
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the sum of all crimes is found
- 404 Not Found – when the crime or municipio is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_date – Start of the period from which to start the series.
format (e.g. 2016-01) - end_date – End of the period to analyze in
format (e.g. 2016-06). Must be greater or equal to start_date
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/municipios/tlalpan/crimes/homicidio%20doloso/series Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "count": 1, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "cve_mun": "09012", "date": "2016-01", "municipio": "TLALPAN", "population": 633181 }, ...
- crime – the name of crime or the keyword
(string: cuadrante)/crimes/
(string: crime)/period
¶ Return the sum of crimes that occurred in each cuadrante for a specified period of time
By default it returns the sum of crimes during the last 12 months for all the cuadrantes in the database
Parameters: - crime – the name of crime or the keyword
to return all crimes - cuadrante – the name of the cuadrante or the keyword
to return all cuadrantes
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the sum of all crimes is found
- 404 Not Found – when the crime is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_date – Start of the period from which to start aggregating in
format (e.g. 2016-01) - end_date – End of the period to analyze in
format (e.g. 2016-06). Must be greater or equal to start_date
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/cuadrantes/all/crimes/all/period HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "count": 0, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "cuadrante": "C-1.1.1", "end_date": "2014-07", "population": 1594, "sector": "ANGEL - ZONA ROSA", "start_date": "2013-08" }, ...
- crime – the name of crime or the keyword
(string: municipio)/crimes/
(string: crime)/period
¶ Return the sum of crimes that occurred in each municipio for a specified period of time
By default it returns the sum of crimes during the last 12 months for all the cuadrantes in the database
Parameters: - crime – the name of crime or the keyword
to return all crimes - municipio – the name of the municipio or the keyword
to return all municipios
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the sum of all crimes is found
- 404 Not Found – when the crime or municipio is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_date – Start of the period from which to start aggregating in
format (e.g. 2016-01) - end_date – End of the period to analyze in
format (e.g. 2016-06). Must be greater or equal to start_date
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/municipios/tlalpan/crimes/all/period HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "count": 0, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "cuadrante": "C-1.1.1", "end_date": "2014-07", "population": 1594, "sector": "ANGEL - ZONA ROSA", "start_date": "2013-08" }, ...
- crime – the name of crime or the keyword
(string: crime)/top/rates
¶ Return the top ranked sectors with the highest crime rates for a given period of time.
When no date parameters are specified the top 5 cuadrantes are returned for the last 12 months (e.g. If July is the last date in the database then the period July 2018 to Aug 2017 will be analyzed). Crimes where no sector was specified (NO ESPECIFICADO) are ignored. All population data returned by this call is in persons/year and comes from the 2010 census
Parameters: - crime – the name of a crime or the keyword
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the top 5 cuadrantes are found
- 400 Bad Request – when the one of the dates was incorrectly specified or the periods overlap
- 404 Not Found – when the crime is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_date – Start of the period from which to start counting. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - end_date – End of the period to analyze. Must be greater or equal to start_date. Formatted as
(e.g. 2016-01) - rank – Return all sectores with a rate ranked higher. Defaults to 5
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/sectores/crimes/homicidio%20doloso/top/rates HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "count": 22, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "end_date": "2014-07", "population": 33787, "rank": 1, "rate": 65.1, "sector": "CONGRESO", "start_date": "2013-08" }, ...
- crime – the name of a crime or the keyword
(string: sector)/crimes/
(string: crime)/series
¶ Return the count of crimes that occurred in a sector, by date
Parameters: - crime – the name of crime or the keyword
to return all crimes - cuadrante – the name of the cuadrante from which to return the time series or the keyword ``all to return all sectores
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the sum of all crimes is found
- 404 Not Found – when the crime or cuadrante is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_date – Start of the period from which to start the series.
format (e.g. 2016-01) - end_date – End of the period to analyze in
format (e.g. 2016-06). Must be greater or equal to start_date
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/sectores/angel%20-%20zona%20rosa/crimes/violacion/series HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "count": 0, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "month": 1, "population": 25606, "sector": "ANGEL - ZONA ROSA", "year": 2013 }, ...
- crime – the name of crime or the keyword
(string: sector)/crimes/
(string: crime)/period
¶ Return the sum of crimes that occurred in a particular or in all sectores for a specified period of time
By default it returns the sum of crimes during the last 12 months for all the sectores in the database
Parameters: - crime – the name of crime or the keyword
to return all crimes - sector – the name of the sector or the keyword
to return all sectores
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the sum of all crimes is found
- 404 Not Found – when the crime is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_date – Start of the period from which to start aggregating in
format (e.g. 2016-01) - end_date – End of the period to analyze in
format (e.g. 2016-06). Must be greater or equal to start_date
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/sectores/all/crimes/all/period HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "count": 26, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "end_date": "2014-07", "population": 171047, "sector": "ABASTO-REFORMA", "start_date": "2013-08" }, ...
- crime – the name of crime or the keyword
(string: long)/
(string: lat)¶ Given a latitude and longitude determine the cuadrante they correspond to.
Parameters: - long – longitude
- lat – longitude
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the cuadrante corresponding to the latitude and longitude is found
- 400 Bad Request – when the latitude or longitude where incorrectly specified
- 404 Not Found – when the latitude or longitude are outside of the Federal District cuadrante area
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/cuadrantes/pip/-99.13333/19.43 HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { "pip": [ { "cuadrante": "C-1.4.4", "geomery": "{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-99.129543,19.436234],[-99.12966,19.435347],[-99.129766,19.43449],[-99.12994,19.433287],[-99.130025,19.432576],[-99.130206,19.431322],[-99.130576,19.428702],[-99.132613,19.428972],[-99.136883,19.429561],[-99.136343,19.433343],[-99.136008,19.435295],[-99.135754,19.437014],[-99.13479,19.436886],[-99.133691,19.436745],[-99.131628,19.436484],[-99.129543,19.436234]]]]}", "sector": "CORREDOR - CENTRO" } ] }
(string: crime)/series
¶ Return the sum of crimes that occurred in the Federal District
Parameters: - crime – the name of crime or the keyword
to return all crimes
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the sum of all crimes is found
- 404 Not Found – when the crime is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_date – Start of the period from which to start the series.
format (e.g. 2016-01) - end_date – End of the period to analyze in
format (e.g. 2016-06). Must be greater or equal to start_date
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/df/crimes/violacion/series HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "count": 64, "crime": "VIOLACION", "month": 1, "population": 8785874, "year": 2013 }, ...
- crime – the name of crime or the keyword
(string: crime)/hours
¶ Return the number of crimes by hour
Parameters: - crime – the name of crime or the keyword
to return all crimes
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the sum of all crimes is found
- 404 Not Found – when the crime is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_date – Start of the period from which to start aggregating in
format (e.g. 2016-01) - end_date – End of the period to analyze in
format (e.g. 2016-06). Must be greater or equal to start_date
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/df/crimes/ALL/hours HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "count": 206, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "end_date": "2016-09", "hour": "00", "start_date": "2015-10" }, { "count": 231, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "end_date": "2016-09", "hour": "01", "start_date": "2015-10" },
- crime – the name of crime or the keyword
(string: crime)/days
¶ Return the number of crimes by day
Parameters: - crime – the name of crime or the keyword
to return all crimes
Status Codes: - 200 OK – when the sum of all crimes is found
- 404 Not Found – when the crime is not found in the database
Query Parameters: - start_date – Start of the period from which to start aggregating in
format (e.g. 2016-01) - end_date – End of the period to analyze in
format (e.g. 2016-06). Must be greater or equal to start_date
Response Headers: - Content-Type – application/json
Example request:
GET /api/v1/df/crimes/ALL/hours HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
Example response (truncated):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "rows": [ { "count": 201, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "dow": 0, "end_date": "2016-09", "start_date": "2015-10" }, { "count": 148, "crime": "HOMICIDIO DOLOSO", "dow": 1, "end_date": "2016-09", "start_date": "2015-10" },
- crime – the name of crime or the keyword