About Crime in Mexico City


Created by Diego Valle-Jones

Hoyo De Crimen is your one-stop shop for staying informed about crime in Mexico City. We believe a safer city is a more empowered city, and that starts with transparency and awareness.

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Our Mission:

  • To provide easy access to reliable and up-to-date crime data for Mexico City.
  • To empower residents with the information they need to make informed decisions about their safety.
  • To foster open communication and collaboration between residents and authorities.
Our Data:

We leverage the Mexico City government's open data initiative to deliver the most current crime information available. This data is presented in a user-friendly format, allowing you to see what crimes are happening, where they are happening, and track trends over time.

Our Commitment:

We are committed to providing accurate and unbiased information. We do not sensationalize crime, but rather strive to present the facts in a clear and concise way.

Hoyodecrimen.com is a community resource, and we value your input. If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us.

¡Juntos hagamos de la Ciudad de México un lugar más seguro! (Together, let's make Mexico City a safer place!)

Additional Features

- API: We offer a powerful API for developers and researchers.
- National Coverage: Visit El Crimen for crime information at the national, state and municipio level.
- Cuadrantes Map: You can download a map of cuadrantes as GeoJSON using the API.
- Open Source: Our webapp is open source and you can view the code on GitHub.

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